Dragonsmeade Sea Dragon CH

Dragonsmeade Axios x Christinia Dellarose

General Information

Unparalleled beauty, proven performance.

dragonsmeade sea dragon chAs a three year old, DRAGONSMEADE SEA DRAGON CH burst onto the scene winning his first World Championship in the 3YO Pleasure Driving division of the World Futurity, and never looked back.

Under the direction of the late Susan Morey of Hallmark Farms, this beloved and charismatic son of World Champion Dragonsmeade Axios returned the following year and won back to back Junior English Pleasure Championships at the Oklahoma Centennial, Red River Classic and Gold Cup Regional before making a clean sweep at the Morgan Grand National in the 4YO English Pleasure division, earning both a Grand National Championship and the World Championship. After graduating from the junior division, he continued to win in harness and saddle before his demand as a breeding horse moved him from the show ring to the breeding shed.

Dragonsmeade Sea DragonHis outstanding get include World Champions MLF Dynamic GCH, VL Enter The Dragon, JRH Remember Me GCH, HPW Star Boy, and IndianCreek Seahorse Sam, as well as Grand National & Regional Champions Hollywood Helen Mirren, Ygraine, and VL Dragonheart.

Recently setting a record as the highest selling Morgan ever sold at public auction, we are now offering this extraordinary sire via Lifetime Breeding Shares, entitling the shareholder to a breeding every year for the lifetime of this stallion. For details, download a sample contract. Sea Dragon LLC invites you to reach for the golden ring by joining this elite group of breeders.

  • AMHA 181611
  • Bay
  • 15h
  • f. 3/20/2010
  • Lifetime Breeding Shares
  • Semen Transport
  • Frozen by approval
dragonsmeade sea dragon ch


717-825-1400 or 570-726-0001
Daniel Fisher, owner

765-238-5871 or 765-238-8138
Amos Fisher, agent

Standing at

Amos Fisher
7425 Baker Rd.
Hagerstown, IN 47346

Bred & owned by

Owned by Sea Dragon LLC
Daniel B. Fisher

Bred by Dragonsmeade


Dragonsmeade Axios And The Beat Goes On Simply Maserati Dancity Sojourn
Sioux's Hot Tamale
JLS Deer Sal BHOF Waseeka's Moonshot
Deerfield's Ruthie
HVK Obsidian BHOF HVK Bell Flaire Noble Flaire
HVK Belleek
HVK Dragon Fly HVK Fieldmarch
HVK Twilight Vigil
Christinia Dellarose On Line Futurity French Command Carlyle Command GCH
Nobelle BHOF
Carlyle Flying Colors Tedwin Topic
Carlyle Day Dream
Troutbrook Gypsyrose Troutbrook Tapdancer Troutbrook Jazzman
Waseeka's Joy
Troutbrook Wildrose Troutbrook Centaur
Rejoice Command


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